Patterns For Software Design

This blog will focus on reflecting on how l have understood my patterns lectures and any other reading material

Saturday, May 13, 2006



Definition: These are design patterns that have been implemented as solutions to particular problems but have been proven to be ineffective design solutions .Antipatterns have been documented into a catalogue as good design patterns for reference.

Antipatterns are represented by a template as good design patterns the template has the following features

Name: The name should be able to immediately highlight the user of what the antipattern is about.

Problem: It describes the inefficiencies which are being experienced by the bad design patterns solution.

Symptoms: How can you identify the problems (characteristics of identifying the problems)?

Consequences: These are the results produced after implementing these patterns.

Root Cause: This is analysis of where the pattern has been applied incorrectly and resulted in a failed solution.

Suggested Solution: Redesigned or improved design pattern that will result in an effective design problem solution.

Why are AntiPatterns important

AntiPatterns when identified and documented enable developers to produce high quality software as a result of avoiding them in developing .Developers are also able to analyse the occurrence of these inefficient design patterns in particular problems and alter the pattern to produce effective problem solving solutions .[1]

AntiPatterns are tools that prevent problems from occurring by helping identify a problem before it occurs [1]

AntiPatterns enable developers to recover from the use of problems by referencing its documented material.

Structure of Anti Patterns

Anti Patterns
Context and Cause
AniPatterns Solution

Symptoms and Consequences

Refractored Solution

Benefits AntiPatterns Solution
Related Solution

Ref: AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software Architectures, and Projects in Crisis by Brown et al [2]

To view the Diagram illustrated above click below
2. AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software Architectures, and Projects in Crisis by Brown et al


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